Tuesday, May 18, 2010

David Wenske's Magnificent School Year!!!

This school year at NBCA has been my greatest school year ever! I've learned a ton of things, with the help of the best teachers in the universe! I have met so many brilliant, hilarious, talkative, helpful people, and have made many new friends! There is a million ways I love this school, but for right now, I will tell you only three things I did and didn't like about this year.

My first reason is that I'm going to school with the friendliest students around! When I walked through the front doors the very first day of school, I was very nervous that the students wouldn't accept me quickly because I was new. Actually, it was just the opposite! Everybody made me felt that I was welcomed that day. The teachers as well game me a warm welcome. Today, I'm friends with about all the 7th grade boys! They are always so encouraging and helpful!

Now for a disappointment about NBCA. I felt that the sports teams and sports in general in our school are mediocre. Anyone know who won the high school state championship? The results weren't posted clearly anywhere that I know of! When I signed up for golf, the 7th graders who signed up didn't hear a thing about the team. The team only consisted of two 8th graders, and NO 7th graders!! But anyways, I'm positive that the sport programs next year will be better!

Now for a positive thing! Our middle school has been on multiple field trips that I know public schools can't go on. Before Christmas break, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade went to our local bowling alley and played bowling! We had such a blast eating nachos, playing arcade games, and watching everyone around you bowl into the gutter. About 3/4 through the year, the 7th grade only went on a trip to the Natural Bridge Caverns! We took a lengthy, adventuresome tour of the breathtaking caverns, sipped on Icees, ate snacks, and bought dirt from the gift shop! I know for sure that there aren't many schools out there that take their students on field trips like these!!

I understand it's part of the curriculum, but we have had some assignments that I felt were to simply eat up my points! For one, who has ever heard of "binder checks?"In some classes, like Mr. Shute's class, although he does do binder checks, he's pretty lenient. I hate to admit it, but Mrs. Anzures is the toughest on her checks. If you're missing a paper or something, 5 points deducted!! That can really add up! Another "sneaky" teacher would be Mrs. McNichols. What she does is, for example, we will be taking notes for a section, and when you think you can get away with very little notes, you have to turn them in!! I know binder checks and "sneaky" tactics can be very frustrating, but it's all for my own good and teaches me how to be more organized!

My last thing that I favor about this year is that when I walk through the halls, go to class, and eat lunch, I'm not cramped like chickens on a farm. Since we have about 170 students from the 6th through the 12th grade, everyone doesn't have to deal with shear numbers like public schools do. For example, between periods in public school, you have to deal with a stampede of about 1000 kids coming after you as you are trying to get to your locker and your next class! Here, everyone and everything is very organized and you are able to breeze through the halls! In class, instead of being in classes of about 20, 25 or so, my biggest class here is math class, with 18 students, and my smallest being reading class, being 10 students big. I find smaller classes being more peaceful and lesser students means more attention!

My final thing I didn't like about this year is that, in my opinion, I think communication in our school is lacking. Middle school students don't know what special events are happening for the high school, and vice versa. As I mentioned earlier, some people still don't know who won the state championship for basketball. Where were the results posted? Nowhere! The main way students know what will be happening in the future is by email. We have no PA system to announce what is to be said, which we probably don't have the money for. I can completely understand that, but I believe that we should improve on getting the word on what is happening around.

Now you know why my 09-10 year at NBCA has been a fabulous one that I'll never forget. I have had my highs and my lows, but you learn from your lows to make you stronger in the future! What did I gain from this year? Intelligence, more confidence to be able to approach people, friends to go to Schlitterbahn with, and a heck of a good time!


  1. I like the end where it says your weaknesses make you stronger.!
    Good job

  2. I liked the way you also cared about the education here too. It is great that you want our sports teams to do even better.

    - Michael Page

  3. Your right David binder checks blow, and no one is ever ready for them. But I guess they are neccesary.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I signed up for golf too, but I was never informed about any practices.


  6. Hey, it's Ben. David, I also had a great school year this year. As you know, I was new to, and I have to agree with we have the most friendliest classmates this year.

  7. I like the way you love to have fun but you still enjoy education.

    Aaron Gomez ;)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I liked your positive outlook. Many students would view many things bad that you said helped you.


  10. Very good, David! I really learned about how you think by reading this post. I am glad you value learning so will be successful because of that!
    ~Mrs. A
