Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Walk by Andrew Walker and David Wenske

Megan was eating her breakfast; waffles, turkey bacon, orange juice and an apple. She was watching the Weather Channel as she sank into her sofa. The anchorman was saying "Today will be a beautiful day to go outside, with temperatures in the seventies and scattered clouds to keep you cool."

Megan just knew what she wanted to do: talk a walk. She stepped outside to see how the weather felt, to see that the sky was slightly cloudier than she thought, with a peculiar black cloud above her. Still, the temperature and humidity made the air perfect for a short walk.

As she was walking down the country street listening to her iPod, and suddenly tempestuous winds started to blow behind her. She heard the sound of a large train coming closer and closer. When she turned around to see where the winds were coming from, a big, dark funnel was touching down!

Megan's heart sank to the ground when she saw the twister coming closer and hearing its terrifying roar. She quickly tried to find a ditch to hide under, because there was no time to make it back to her house. Debris was starting to fly in the air: rocks and dirt were flying through the air. She quickly found a small hole to stay in while the funnel came around her.

The twister, however, did not approach her. Instead, the tornado veered to the right away from her and the house. She got up from the hole and looked to see if any other homes were damaged. Luckily, the funnel skipped over the few homes in the village, and the was very thankful that the twister did no damage. The tornado then ascended back into the cloud, and Megan knew the danger was over. She then walked back home.

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